The best x ray at home in Egypt

At Curexmed, we provide the best x ray at home in Egypt service, due to the important role of x ray in diagnosis and treatment.
x ray is a type of radiation used in medicine, which doctors use to diagnose and treat many diseases and bone fractures.
x ray is used also to diagnose certain diseases affecting human body organs such as the heart, kidneys, intestines, etc.
x ray
X ray is electromagnetic rays that can’t be seen by the naked eye, it is used more often in medicine than in other fields because it has a high penetration power that can penetrate the body’s organs and then be absorbed through a dedicated film.
If you ask yourself can I have radiology near me come to home service?
Yes, you can as Curexmed provides x ray at home service, so There’s no need to go to any radiology center.
X-ray discovery
x ray was discovered accidentally by Nobel Prize winner in Physics Dr. Wilhelm Richard Roentgen.
While he was performing his experiments on the electron beam emitted by the movement of electrons between positive and negative electrodes in a vacuum glass tube, he did not expect that he would discover a new type of radiation, which was X-rays.
By chance, when he placed his hand between the phosphorescent screen and the glass tube, he saw a picture of the bones of his hand, and from here X-rays were discovered.
X-ray mechanism
When X ray penetrates the human body, the organs absorb those rays, but each organ in the human body has a different ability to absorb those rays.
- For example, the bones absorb almost all of the rays and block rays from passing to the film, so it appears in white.
- Organs such as the heart, fat, and internal organs of the human body allow the ray to pass to the film and absorb very little of them, so it appears in gray.
- While air does not absorb any of those rays, it appears in black. So lungs appear in black because they are full of air.
X-ray role in the diagnosis
x ray is used to diagnose and verify fracture-free bones, to diagnose joints, to diagnose teeth and also diseases related to human body organs that may infect the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc:
- Bone fractures.
- Bone problems.
- Teeth problems like decay, and abscesses.
- Benign and malignant bone tumors.
- Breast tumors.
- Spinal problems.
- Lungs problems.
- Heart problems.
- Detection of foreign objects such as ingestion of foreign bodies
Book now the best x ray at home in Egypt Curexmed, our service 24 hours/ 7 days a week.
X-ray at home service
There are two kinds of x-ray at home services: either bones x ray or organs x ray.
book now portable chest x ray near me service with Curexmed.
Bone x ray services are divided into:
- Arm x ray at home.
- Leg x ray at home.
- Spine x ray at home.
Book now all types of x ray at home, as you can book x ray chest Maadi
Arm x ray at home
Doctors usually recommend x rays on the arms, the shoulder, arm bones, elbow, wrist, hand or fingers, so that they can detect osteoporosis, fractures, athletic injuries, arthritis, or other diseases that may cause pain.
Book now for shoulder x ray at home, which helps in the diagnosis of shoulder dislocations.
Book now arm’s bones x-ray at home to detect the cause of pain and swelling in the arm, detect bone fractures or arthritis, also it is used after the fixation of the fractures to check for proper recovery.
you can book hand x ray at home to detect the cause of pain and swelling in the hand, detect bone fractures or arthritis, also it is used after the fixation of the fractures to check for proper recovery.
let’s book elbow x ray at home to detect the reason for common symptoms such as pain or swelling in the elbow area, detect bone fractures or arthritis, also it is used after the fixation of the fractures to check for proper recovery.
you now can wrist x ray at home to detect the reason of common symptoms such as pain or swelling in the wrist area, detect bone fractures or arthritis, also it is used after the fixation of the fractures to check proper recovery.
Leg x ray at home
Doctors usually recommend leg x ray or lower limbs, hip, upper leg bones, knee, ankle, foot, or toe, so that they can detect osteoporosis or fractures, athletic injuries, arthritis, or other diseases that may cause pain.
you can book hip x ray at home to detect the reason for common symptoms such as limp, swelling, or pain in the hip area or help detect bone fractures or other diseases in the hip bone.
book foot x ray at home to detect the cause of pain and swelling in the foot, detect bone fractures or arthritis, also it is used after the fixation of the fractures to check for proper recovery.
now you can book knee x ray at home so that the doctor can inspect the tissues surrounding the knee, abnormalities of the knee bones, the space in the knee joint between the two bones, and arthritis.
you’re able to book ankle x ray at home to detect the reason of common symptoms such as pain or swelling in the ankle bones, detect fractures in the bone or dislocated joint, also it is used after fracture fixation to check proper recovery.
Spine x ray at home
Doctors usually recommend x rays on the neck, cervical vertebrae, or lumbar vertebrae, so that they can detect osteoporosis, fractures, athletic injuries, arthritis, or other diseases that may cause pain.
you can get lumbar spine x ray at home to detect congenital defects in the spine, abnormal spine curvature, injuries and fractures to the vertebrae, arthritis, osteoporosis, or cancerous tumors.
get now cervical spine x ray at home to detect the cause of pain in the shoulder, neck, upper back, or acupuncture, weakness, obfuscation in the arm or hand, or detect fractures in the neck vertebrae.
you can book now neck x ray at home to detect bone fractures, tumors in or near the trachea, spinal abnormalities, neck vertebrae, foreign body in the throat or airway, or disc dislocation.
Internal Organs x ray divided into
Abdominal x ray
Doctors usually recommend abdominal x rays to image the kidney, bladder, or to track the gas pathway in the intestine, or liver.
Book now abdomen x ray at home so that the doctor can diagnose the source of acute pain in the abdominal area, lower back pain, unexplained vomiting, and nausea, It is also used in the diagnosis of kidney stones, intestinal obstruction, a hole in the stomach, and the correct placement of catheters and tubes in the gallbladder and kidneys.
Chest x ray
Doctors usually recommend chest x rays for cardiac evaluation: this is done periodically to monitor the condition, coronary heart failure, inflammation, or any other cardiovascular disease; so you can check for normal chest x ray at home with Curexmed.
Book now lung x ray portable to evaluate the lungs: to detect tuberculosis, cancers, asthma, bronchitis, thoracic relaxation, fractures, also you can do pneumonia chest x ray to detect pneumonia or other diseases of the lungs.
We provide X ray at home service in all regions, so you can order x ray chest fifth settlement.
What are the risks of X-rays?
Usually, the amount of radiation that the human body is exposed to is small, so there is no harm from exposure to it at intervals.
While continuous radiation exposure may be a factor for some types of cancers.
Do not hesitate and request an ordinary x ray chest Nasr city.
Is x-ray safe for pregnant women?
X-rays are unlikely to be used on the pregnant woman to avoid fetal abnormalities, although the incidence is low, so there is no harm to the exposure of the pregnant woman to x-ray in emergencies.
What is the price of home radiology service?
X ray cost at home service varies depending on several factors such as the location, time, and type of the service, but be sure that we provide the best x ray at home service in the fastest time and the lowest prices.
Do not hesitate and book x ray chest Masr el gededa.