ICU bed reservation in Egypt
ICU bed reservation is a service of Curexmed. Book it now

After the Corona pandemic, the process of ICU bed reservation became very difficult in any hospital, due to the need for intensive care for many Coronavirus patients and the transformation of many hospitals into isolation hospitals.
That is why we at Curexmed provide the best service for ICU bed reservation at the fastest time and the lowest prices.
Critical care unit
Intensive care is a specialized, separate, self-contained department equipped with the necessary medical devices and equipment for close monitoring, rapid intervention, and treatment of critically ill patients who need 24-hour monitoring.
The main purpose of the intensivists ICU is to maintain the vital functions of the patient, prevent their deterioration, reduce mortality and reduce the incidence of other diseases for critically ill patients.
When ICU care is needed?
Many critical health conditions require specialized intensive care, rapid medical intervention, close monitoring, and provision of intensive treatment. Therefore, intensive care must be provided before and after surgeries to contribute to a proper and quick recovery:
- accidents such as burns and road accidents.
- Heart attack.
- Serious infection such as pneumonia or septicemia.
- After major surgeries.
- after organ transplantation.
- Vital organ failure.
- Complications of serious diseases such as diabetic coma.
- Major injuries such as head or spinal cord injuries.
ICU hospital equipment
Intensive health care is provided by a specialized team to follow up patients’ cases, consisting of an intensive care consultant, an intensive care doctor, and intensive care nursing to care for each patient individually using the best medical equipment and devices:
- Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate monitors.
- temperature management device.
- ECG machine.
- Ultrasound of the heart.
- Portable X-ray.
- blood flow meter.
- Blood gas analyzer.
- Hemodialysis machine.
- Excretory catheter.
- Catheters and intravenous tubes for fluids and medicines.
- Feeding tubes.
Types of ICU units
The ICU critical care units are divided into several specialized departments:
- Neurology ICU.
- Cardiac ICU (CICU).
- Medical ICU (MICU).
- Pediatric ICU (PICU).
- Gastrointestinal
- Trauma ICU (TICU).
- Renal ICU.
- Surgical ICU (SICU).
Medical Intensive Care Unit
The ICU med is concerned with the care of a variety of serious medical conditions in more than one organ, as it is managed by all medical field physicians.
Most patients in the ICU may suffer from:
- Using respirators.
- Kidney failure and constant need for dialysis.
- Gastrointestinal bleeding.
- Oncological disorders.
- blood disorders.
Neurointensive care unit
The role of neurological care is not only to closely monitor many diseases of the brain and nerves but also to monitor intracranial pressure and blood flow within the brain using various medical devices such as electroencephalography.
The nature of patients with the nervous system is different from that of other patients, as the injury may lead to disruption of the patient’s ability to move and communicate.
Cases that require a reservation for neurological care:
- Brain hemorrhage.
- Intracranial hemorrhage.
- Brain tumor after surgery.
- Head or brain injuries.
- Brain inflammation.
- Meningitis and infections of the nervous system.
- myasthenia gravis.
Cardiac intensive care unit
The Cardiovascular Care Unit is concerned with the monitoring of the patient after heart surgeries, the monitoring of heart function, and the treatment of diseases related to the heart and blood vessels such as:
- Unstable angina pectoris.
- Hypertension emergencies.
- Valvular heart disease.
- myocardial insufficiency.
Cardiovascular intensive care physicians are also concerned with managing complications that may occur in patients with heart conditions, such as:
- Kidney failure.
- respiratory failure.
pediatric intensive care
Children are referred to intermediate ICU if they are seriously ill and have medical needs can’t be treated at pediatric clinics such as:
- Severe breathing problems such as chest allergies or asthma.
- Serious infections.
- Some complications of diabetes.
- Serious accidents such as drowning, fire, or road accidents.
- Follow-up of the health status after major surgeries.
- immune disorders.
There is also a neonatal ICU for newborns who may suffer from:
- Low birth weight.
- congenital problems
- Complications after childbirth.
Surgical Intensive Care Unit
The surgical intensive care unit takes care of critically ill patients before performing any major surgeries and helps patients recover in ICU after surgery such as:
- organ transplant.
- Complex surgery after serious injuries such as road accidents.
- Patients with acute critical surgeries, such as appendicitis.
- Giving birth in high-risk conditions.
Book now a hospital with ICU near me service with Curexmed, as we provide many ICU near me, which have a specialized intensive care doctor and nurse for each patient in the fastest time and at the lowest prices.
Trauma ICU
The Trauma Center is an independent and separate center from the rest of the hospital. Neurotrauma ICU is divided based on the ability of each center to deal with cases of injuries and accidents.
Trauma centers are divided into five levels, where all medical procedures are available in the first level, and the fifth level lacks many of them, which is sufficient to diagnose critical cases and transfer them to higher-level trauma centers.
Level 1 Trauma Center: Able to provide three types of care for the patient accident prevention, and how to deal with it, healing and recovery, and rehabilitation after recovery, and provides comprehensive medical services 24 hours by surgeons and nurses in several surgical departments such as:
- Orthopedic Surgery.
- Cardiovascular surgery.
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
- Gastrointestinal surgery.
Gastrointestinal ICU
Gastrointestinal care is concerned with the health of the liver, stomach, and all parts of the digestive system. Entering gastrointestinal care may be due to disease in the digestive system or as a result of digestive failure during a long stay in intensive care. The failure of the digestive system is in the form of:
- Gastrointestinal bleeding.
- Hepatic failure.
- severe pancreatitis;
- Esophageal perforation with or without inflammation.
- Delayed gastric emptying.
gastrointestinal bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the most common reasons for admission to the Liver and Gastrointestinal Care Unit. It may occur as a result of:
- stomach ulceration.
- Duodenal ulceration.
- Esophageal varices or gastric varices.
Renal ICU
Renal ICU is concerned with:
- Acute and chronic kidney disease.
- Fluid and electrolyte disturbances.
- Kidney stone surgery.
- Renal vascular disease.
- Kidney transplant.
What is the ICU cost per day?
The average cost of icu varies and depends on several factors, including the type of intensive care service and residency.
Book now Intensive Care Unit from Curexmed as we provide the best Intensive Care at the best prices and in the fastest time.